Today is one of those days I know exactly why I love recruitment, because today I changed someone’s life. I feel I have once again helped a person start on a new employment path that will lead them on to wonderful opportunities.
It is not easy these days after leaving school or university to get a foot on the ladder with a decent company, and it is often such bright candidates that I meet as I recruit for clients whom I feel most sorry for. They are clearly intelligent, motivated young people who are ready to find their first job, and to work hard and learn, but who will give them that first opportunity?
Today I told a nineteen year old (ST) that he had indeed hit the jackpot with a new job with one of my favourite clients. ST had worked for two companies, both of whom had paid him a low wage and this had undermined his confidence. However, from his CV, and after chatting to him, I could see his true potential. I loved the way he wrote passionately about what he did and why, and I just knew if I could get him in front of my client, they would see what he was capable of.
Yesterday I picked him up from Lancaster railway station to drive him to his interview and got to know the real person behind the CV. He had lost his parents at a very young age but was fortunate enough to have had his maternal grandma close by. He continued to do well at school and on leaving, secured an apprenticeship. But after completing this, he found himself unemployed. It was such a shame as he was clearly motivated. He told me that he had studied for five hours the previous night for the test he had to take at the interview. It was clear he was a high achiever.
When I dropped him off at the client, and introduced him, then watched him walk away up the stairs to the interview room, I was rooting for him. Then this morning the client phoned me up to say they would like to make him an offer. If he works hard (which he will) he will become a valued member of staff. The client pays the living wage, so for this young man at the age of 19, he will be earning more than he could ever imagine!
When I rang him to tell him the good news I felt like a proud parent. I said, “go tell your Gran that you did really well and they want to offer you the job!”
Today is one of those days when I know exactly why I love recruitment.
If you want to find talented new staff, or, find a rewarding new job please see Mandy Blackwell Recruitment Agency Lancaster page, check out our list of our vacancies or get in touch.